Welcome to the cooperative

For the people out there that enjoy EDC, you will understand what I mean when I say people think we are strange for carrying our knives and gadgets. What we really need is a place to come together and share our thoughts and photos with like minded people, and that is what we have! EDCcooperative is a Facebook group with almost 2500 members and it just keeps growing by the day. Now I know you're  thinking that there are plenty of groups out there for EDC and I agree with you. The main problem with most groups is the squabbling over whose EDC is better and if you have a budget carry then you're not worthy of the group. The Cooperative is different and feels more like a large family than a Facebook group! Everybody is welcome regardless of wether your carry was £10 or £10 million and people are so friendly and welcoming to everybody regardless. There are plenty of giveaways and the group has a shop with some awesome gear available at a reasonable price to add to the collection. I can't wait to see you over on the group so search EDCcooperative on Facebook and come say hi, show us your carry and become a cooperator!

Thanks for reading and your support is appreciated

